Safety & Security Systems for Sea Environment - S4E

supported by the Italian National Project PON “Smart Cities and Communities”

Project aim: The final objective of the S4E project is to build the first technological supply chain in Italy for the implementation of an intelligent integrated system capable of pervasive and continuous monitoring of the chemical-physical parameters of the water column, to simplify surveillance and increase safety in the coastal areas and to facilitate and monitor navigation in areas not served by traditional radar systems. The achievement of this technological development objective will allow users of the platform to be able to combine the needs of promoting the protection of the environment and marine resources in terms of safety, monitoring, remediation and conservation of the marine environment with the search for greater efficiency in the administrative-management processes related to surface navigation.

The Signals and Images lab has contributed to the activities of S4E by proposing a mobile crowdsensing app for improved maritime security and awareness. The app allows users to report events at sea like the presence of oil spills, plastic debris and objects endangering safe navigation.

The app, released for Android smartphones and tablets, has been integrated into the comprehensive framework for environmental monitoring provided by S4E partners.

DISCLAIMER: The app is a prototype intended solely for test and scientific purposes. It does not replace any operation and emergency service. In case of any emergency at Sea in Italy, please dial the Italian Coast Guard Emergency Number 1530.

Please click on the images below to download the app in "APK" format.


Application homepage

Insert report screen

Map screen


For further details please see:
Moroni, Davide, et al. "A mobile crowdsensing app for improved maritime security and awareness." 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops). IEEE, 2022 (

For further information please contact Marco Tampucci (marco.tampucci(AT)